There are different levels of retriever training, depending on what you would like to accomplish with your retriever. Regardless of how far advanced you want your retriever, the foundation of training is having proper obedience. No two dogs will train the same and we make necessary adjustments for each individual dog so he/she receives the correct training.
$700* per month
*Bird cost are additional
Once obedience is complete, you may choose to advance your retriever to a gun dog / hunt test dog. With advancement comes more training: proper retrieving, force hold, force fetch, collar conditioning, working with live birds, blind retrieves, and much more. All of these advanced training methods take time to teach. Each dog will train and learn differently.
Obedience can begin with a young pup. We like to get the pups as early as 4 months to begin an obedience program. Obedience training time varies with each dogs' personality. (at least 1 month)